Ahh, the knotted, gnarly, tangle of hawthorn scrub. Is what your description of your email inbox had me thinking of. I feel SEEN !!!! I cracked my Macmail work inbox last year; my gmail still looms dark like the nigh impassable forest surrounding Sleeping Beauty’s castle.


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I have been thinking a lot recently about needing to hold onto the ‘magical’ bit, which I usually refer to as wandering and wondering, as well as the ‘practical’ stuff. The neurodivergent parts of me need the practical, but also end up focusing on that to the detriment of the magic and wonder.

I have your book on the ‘to read very soon’ pile next to me. Often I find the more I want to read a book the harder I find it to start reading, which is what is happening with your book (and several others)! Sorry - I can’t explain it, but the right moment will come, I know.

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I am exactly the same with TBR pikes. Sometimes I use a random number generator to choose what to read because I get stuck trying to make myself choose and start. Weird brains unite 🙌

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I’m so glad to hear I am not the only person who has these issues with my TBR piles! Oof - I think a random number generator choosing a book for me would set off my PDA. 🙈😅

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The least obtrusive way I’ve found for keeping references is taking photos (front cover of book, p75 where the good quote sits etc), I used a digital camera even before I had a smartphone.

As for writing practice, I’m trying to ease my way back into writing short fiction this year, though I’m not sure how yet. I’d like to include more of the natural world in my fiction too so daily walks would be a good start. Wishing you a diminishing imposter syndrome for the coming year.

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This is such a good idea, especially since I ALWAYS have my phone with me. I shall make a file for ref. pics today. Thank you! And I hope the year brings you closer to your own goals x

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But you ARE good at networking, because you are doing this, writing here on Substack so honestly and allowing your readers to reply, so you are building a community alongside the real-life comunity of your students and everyone you have already worked with at a personal level to write your books. This is a really helpful post for me, in many ways, so thank you, and Happy New Year!

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Thankyou so much! Happy New Year x

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