We do what we can. 2 years ago coal tits built their nest in a broken piece of a step in our garden. We could hear the babies. So would cats, the fox. My husband opened up the hole and put the nest with the twittering young in our nesting box (unused by the coal tits). He left it there for a couple of hours with one of us on guard. Then he hooked the box back and lo and behold, the coal tit parents came back and started to feed them again. We didn't see them fledge but we have masses of coal tits now. So, we celebrate what we can and do do.

Your piece brought tears to my eyes - the bit about the heartless reaction to the little girl drowning.

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Thank you Marg xxx

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Thank you so much for this Wendy. I feel so similarly and it’s so important to be reminded that the way forward is with compassion. I heard Arundhati Roy say that yes her heart is broken into a million pieces but that, thats the only way ( I’m paraphrasing) but it stopped me in my tracks. She was saying we go forward and we go together with a common hurt and a common goal. I hope your starlings fledge well.

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Thankyou Anna x

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I feel this so keenly right now. I feel you, and I am with you and this world is so, so broken. We must not lose our empathy and compassion, and we must find every way we can not to be consumed by other people’s entitled bitterness. The Earth is everyone’s to live and exist on in peace.

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Thank you x

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Wendy, this is beautifully written, and for better or worse, so relatable - I hope that you know you are not alone in these feelings nor in your commitment to not let your soft heart grow hard.

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Thank you Stephanie x

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This is so well said. The state of the world, the birds, nature, it all resonates so much with me. Thank you.

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Thank you x

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This really struck a chord with me Wendy, hoping the starlings fledge and so important not to loose our compassion, empathy and connection with nature. A really moving, beautiful and important piece of writing.

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Thank you Vicky x

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Thank you, @wendypratt for sharing some lovely observations.

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You are welcome

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As with all the others above: yes, yes and yes, in pain and in sorrow and so glad for the little glimmers of hope and beauty seen and offered, but it’s tough.

And I am looking forward to my next creative stint with you, see you Friday.

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