Aug 29Liked by Wendy Pratt

Such excellent measures of success, Wendy. I have really enjoyed following events via your newsletter, checking out the links to reviews and interviews and launch events, and looking at your reviews elsewhere. Wishing you the very best, and I am very much looking forward to reading your book.

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Thank you so much x

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I have now read your book…oddly enough, I had put it on a shelf next to “Nan Shepherd, Selected Prose and Poetry” which I had bought on a whim in Scotland recently, despite having not come across her before 😊 Really impressed with how you weave so many elements together in such a thought-provoking narrative; lots of images and descriptions linger, and I am going to have to read it again.

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Thanks so much!

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Congratulations Wendy. I too have a Phd story- mine is sexism and a supervisor who punished me for getting married. It still hurts too much to write down - yet it was almost 40 years ago.

My first poetry book is published- and I’m also having a launch full of family and friends. A more experienced poet told me to enjoy myself as it only happens once. Imposter syndrome is very real. I keep thinking the Press has made a mistake in taking my book.

You have so many great events planned!! Go for it!

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Thanks Kim. I'm so sorry you had such a painful experience on your PhD too x

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I saved this post in my inbox to read when I had a moment and I'm so glad I did - so much wisdom in there. Congratulations on your book and keep enjoying it throughout the more difficult moments!

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Thank you!

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I have been a tiny bit player on the edge of your journey. It is a joy and an inspiration to read about the wonderful leg you are currently on. Congratulations, good wishes, keep going as you are.

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Thank you so much Sue x

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This all sounds so sane and grounded and good. It’s inspiring. And the review by Sophia Yeo is marvelous — the kind of review that sends a reader directly to exploring the book. It’s on my list, though it may take me some time to start it.

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It's such a good review. One of those where a big wave of relief washed over me, knowing that at least one person got the book! Hope you enjoy it x

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Wendy, you mentioned in your post, joy reading, comfort reading, and that’s exactly what The Ghost Lake gave me. I read it in a couple of days with the OS map in one hand and your book in the other, all the while nodding in agreement with the story of your own personal journey. It made me look at my home area in a different light, through different eyes. Thank you x

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Thankyou so much Chris, this is wonderful to hear x

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