Jul 20Liked by Wendy Pratt

Hi Wendy. As someone also of working class background who has gone on to also write and perform poetry I am interested in what you say about how being from a working class background left you with a self doubt unlikely to trouble those from middle/ upper middle class echelons. I wonder if this still holds true for children of today? Education ideas and attitudes have undoubtedly altered in many respects since our youths ( I am older than you). Like you I remember the feelings of less- than and worst of all ' not for the likes of you'. Hard to squeeze past such mental constraints but if, as you and I and countless others have shown, the passion inside us is strong enough we find our way. Education is a good leveller and those who cling to their class superiority only highlight their own inadequacies. Educated working class need not fear or heed the condescension and belittling attitudes of those born into wealthier and more cultured environments. Indeed there is much they could do well to learn from those from less privileged backgrounds. Congratulations on the book and all your achievements to date. Whatever you felt once about being less- than coming from a working class background must now surely have no place in your life moving forwards.

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Jul 19Liked by Wendy Pratt

So looking forward to reading this - to discovering the richness beneath a landscape that I knew in a very practical way when I was working, it's topography, the demographic, the hospitals and meeting venues, and traffic patterns. You are leading me into layers of myself alongside your own journey and man's long, long history

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Jul 18Liked by Wendy Pratt

Reading the names of the villages of my twenties and thirties is like a coming home. Looking forward to the book. Thank you

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A local! Hope you enjoy the book.

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Jul 18Liked by Wendy Pratt

Thank you so much for sharing these and the insight into your journey.

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You are welcome Linda x

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Wendy- A meditation on flint scraper as a gateway to meaning is such a beautiful piece. Hope you're well this week. Cheers, -Thalia

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Thankyou x

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Beautiful, moving poems. Thank you. X

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