Very happy to preorder and learn about your ancestral place!

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Thank you x

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Wonderful - so looking forward to reading this xx

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This is SO up my alley, I can't wait to read it!!

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Thank you x

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May 23Liked by Wendy Pratt

Great to be able to pre-order your book! As an ex Scarborian and now living on the edge of the Wolds I can’t wait to delve into those. fascinating pages. Thank you Wendy

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Scarborians unite!

Thanks so much x

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May 23Liked by Wendy Pratt

Thank you so much for sharing your gift with us all and for putting into words what so many of are unable to express! I love how your words create a tangible structure and form for those things that it's so hard to communicate about being in nature, experiencing grief and just trying to muddle through life....I always feel somehow better after reading something you have written. I can't wait for the book to come out and to read it and how you describe more about your connection to, and the history of, the lake! thank you!

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Thank you so much Rachel, this is such a lovely thing to say x

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I'll pre order in pay day. Really looking forward to it. Having spent a horrific week fending off vicious and nasty slurs from people I couldn't answer to, Substack feels like the safe anthesis to the cesspit of Facebook. Thank you ,Wendy,for bringing me here

And how lovely that your book will come out just after the anniversary of your dad passing. Much ❤️ love xx

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