I really valued this invitation to sit with you in the stillness of the morning, Wendy, and the sense of possibility and anticipation of new ideas that you evoke. I get what you're saying about the need for now not to go too deep with any one thing. Sometimes we need to surrender to the moment, pop the shade on the bare bulb as you say, and have faith that space and time for the big stuff will come when we are ready. Lovely Mantel quotes, too, inspiring your next project.

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Thank you xx

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I hope you enjoyed the moment and I hope you enjoy more. The story will come when it is ready but missing moments is worse than a crime, I've found: it is a blunder. You don't get those moments back, just as you can never step in the same stream twice. Be well. TTFN

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Putting the Mantel quote about writing the book you want to read on my desk, thank you, Wendy.

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