I'd love to be considered for the free mentoring session - thank you.

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Such a myriad of things to choose from. We’re so lucky to have your generosity in the poetry community. Thank you.

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Such a myriad of things to choose from. We’re so lucky to have your generosity in the poetry community. Thank you.

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Wow Wendy, so much on offer and all of it sounds wonderful! I've really enjoyed your online workshops and am looking forward to more 💫the Ghost lake is ordered and will wing it's way over the pond to Bantry library. PS forgot to say how much I loved the red jump suit!

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hi wendy, I've always enjoyed your notes from the margin posts as well as earlier courses i've attended. would love to be considered for the free mentoring session!

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Hi Wendy. What a great selection of creative offerings! I'm really looking forward to joining in :-)

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Hi Wendy I love your substack posts and you’ll be pleased to know I preordered The Ghost Lake a good while ago. Wishing it great success and you the creative. 👏👏😊

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I can thoroughly recommend Wendy's workshops and mentoring. I am eternally grateful for the purpose they gave me through lock down and ever since

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What a choice! I’m looking forward to reading The Ghost Lake. I’m in Hull this week researching the more recent past for my 1920s novel. Please let me know when you mentor novelists. Poetry fettling sounds good. Xx

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What a tempting selection of things to do!

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Me too, looking forward to grabbing my copy from Sam Read’s, when I head up to the Lakes mid-august, perfect timing!

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One of my jobs this week is to renew my Library Card and get your book ordered at the City Library 👍 I am really looking forward to this book!

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Thanks S x

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